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Tips To Follow Before Writing a Cover Letter For Job

A cover letter is an advert for your CV. Since it is usually read before your CV, it should be captivating enough to hold the attention of the reader. A cover letter should be seen as an excellent opportunity to communicate directly to the recruiter and a useful way to demonstrate their suitability for a job.

  1. Do a little Research First. Before writing a cover letter, find out more about the company and the specific job you want. Check out the company’s website, its social media pages and employee profiles on LinkedIn. Find out what challenges the company is currently facing and how your role would help address those.
  2. Emphasize your Personal Value. Since the recruiter is looking for people that can help them solve specific problems, you should draw on the research you did earlier, show that you know and understand what the company does and some of the challenges it faces. After taking note of the problems, talk about how the experience has equipped you to meet those need and solve them.
  3. Keep it short The most popular advice out there in relation to a cover letter is to keep it under a page. It should be brief enough that someone can read it at a glance.

We have collated some sample cover letters you can use as a starting point for your own job applications. Whether you are a tertiary graduate or you have 10 years experience, one of these samples will suit your needs.


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