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The Slavery In Libya Everyone Is Talking About

Everyone is talking about slave trade in Libya...how horrible it is, most of them sending messages on CNN are Nigerians, speaking about the inhumane treatment of humans being sold as slaves, but we don't consider the slavery we constantly perpetuate here in Nigeria on a daily basis:
- Your employees do their work but you delay their salaries and even owe them...while your family plans a Christmas vacation trip...don't send messages on CNN, you're a slave trader.

- Your Cleaning staff earns less than the minimum wage for cleaning your establishment everyday...you still owe them and you're here shouting "Libya!!! What nonsense"...my dear, don't shout too much, you are a slave trader.

- Your maid faithfully takes care of your kids and home when you're out and you treat her harshly at every little mistake...verbally or physically abusing her...madam, your home is a slave trade market

- Your kids go to the best schools n wear the best clothes, smelling fine, but the little girl whose mother you begged to have her come help you goes to a horrible public school where she learns "I is" and "they was". She wears clothes you would never give your kids, but you keep commenting on the Libya slavery...my sister, keep your comment in your chest... you're the leader of Slave traders Association of Nigeria.

- You have a medical officer working at your clinic morning, night and on weekends, and you pay him an unreasonable salary in a bid to cut cost, after all, he's a young doctor...forget that you didn't buy him, Slave traders' Clinic should be on your sign post.

- You are inconsiderate with your subordinates, treat them rudely...your nurses, your house officers, your resident doctors, etc, like they are rats compared to you, and they are now afraid of you...pls don't be angry o, but just check if the name of your unit is Slave trade medical unit.

- Your wife is slaving away in the kitchen daily, even as we speak, in the heat, trying to cook you the best meals and you cross your legs in the sitting room watching the slavery in Libya, saying "this is sheer wickedness". Just remember your wife has also been working all day...why not do something to help ease her burden...except you don't mind the slavery going on in your own home...

At the heart of slavery is not the buying and selling; at the heart of slavery is the ugly and despicable sense of superiority, that you are better, higher, more deserving of respect and praise, than one who by reason of circumstance is at your mercy. Don't forget, no condition is permanent. The prisoner today might be the Prime Minister tomorrow...so while we decry the slave trade going on in Libya, let's silently fix the slave trade going on in our lives and change humanity by first changing our mindsets. Courtesy: Dr Chidi Dimkpa

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