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SAM-K Inverter and Solar Tech

SAM-K Inverter 24/7 and Solar Tech deal in products that are suitable for your uninterrupted power system. for homes, offices, hospitals, banks, hotels, schools, eateries etc. Products they offer as listed below:

* solar inverter...0.8-100kva
* solar panels
* solar controllers
* solar street lights
* rechargeable solar fan
* solar deep circle batteries
* solar lighting systems

* constant supply of power
* automatic change over
* 100% protection of all appliances
* battery indicator/ overloading status
* no noise, no fumes, no fuel
* environmental friendly

For inverter installation with full backup up to 12-17 hours after fully charged full solar system  installation wit full backup that last for 24hrs. Repair of damage inverter installation of solar street light ad servicing all at cheap price and wit a year guarantee inverter backup that last after fully charged and can last 4 24hrs with the aid of solar pane.

For more enquires:
Contact: 07034627958 

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