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Buhari ready to come back to nigeria

Nigeria's president says he feels healthy enough to return home from medical leave in Britain, and is awaiting his doctor's permission. Photos released by the president's office show Buhari standing outdoors, smiling and wearing sunglasses while holding a large "Get well soon" card - with a handful of officials around him - in a residential area.

Buhari's extended absence - his second this year - left many in Nigeria questioning whether he was well enough to run the country. The health of Buhari has been a sensitive issue since the death in office in 2010 of Umaru Musa Yar'Adua, which led to months of political turmoil.

During the 2015 election campaign, Buhari rejected opposition claims that he was seriously ill with prostate cancer and said that they were a smear to show him as unfit for office.

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