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How to backup your Dream League Soccer game on Android

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A lot of people are so pissed off when they had to restart the Dream League Soccer Game. The good news now is that, Yes you can back it up and continue on your new device!!!

Follow the steps:

  1. Open File Explorer
  2. Go to internal storage>Android>Data
  3. Copy or cut the folder “com.firsttouchgames.dls3” .(before uninstalling, copy/cut the folder to any location outside the Android folder)
  4. After uninstalling, copy the folder back to the above-mentioned location.
  5. Enjoy!!
Extra tip: If you’re losing a game, delete the file named “currentmatch.dat” (If you delete it, there won’t be any trace of the match you were playing)
P.S: Be aware while deleting the match.dat file, because if you delete something else, you’ll have to start the game from the beginning.
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