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Facebook is introducing a feature user have long-demanded from the social media giant: a dislike button.

The company is currently in the process of adding the feature, giving users a long-desired choice to "dislike" something that has been posted by someone in their social network, according to The New York Times.

Users were previously limited to just a thumbs up "like" icon, leading many to post a snarky, "dislike," when someone posted an item with which they disagreed.

Facebook has 1.5 billion users and had resisted adding the button despite demand from many of its users because the company said it wanted to maintain a positive environment.

Facebook has been sparing on the details, so it's unclear if the company will really add a "dislike" button or a thumbs down, but it is confirmed that the company will enable users to express more than positive emotions.

The company cited the ongoing refugee crisis as an example, saying that users have expressed a desire to say something about the issue when a post about the topic is made, but "liking" it is unable to convey the type of emotion they are feeling.

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