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Good noon friends, it will be paramount to balance the equation here.
Today, I will quickly share with us how PC users can equally enjoy their Mtn Bison PC instead of leaving it to perish away.

It is not a new fact that you can use PD Proxy, Sandwish,Vpn plus to unethically penetrate into Mtn server as an invisible chairman to break loose your Subscribed Blackberry plan.

This tutorial is specifically for newbies who don’t know how to go about it.

I will quickly introduce you to Sandwish Vpn.
SandwichVPN is a Virtual Private Network (VPN), a Tunneling Software. You can use it to surf the net anonymously and securely. It automatically hide your ip address. With this software, you can easily unblock restricted website. Click on HOW SANDWICH VPN WORKs  to read more

How Can I Use It To Connect With My Mtn Bis Plan

1.Register HERE and get a demo account - Proceed to Download

2.Install it on your system and Run it as an administrator => Log in with your username and password

NB: => On window 7 users must execute the installer on run as admin ( right click on icon and choose run as admin) 
=> On winxp users, DOT NET is needed before the SandwichVPN installation

3. During its first run it will ask for a driver install just press yes.

4. Input your username and password on its proper field.

5. Set proper protocol for your area and press connect.

Once it connects the software will minimize to system tray and is ready to use

Protocol: UDP

Server: DEMO ( You can only use this server unless you upgrade to premium account).

Make sure your modem is connected before you hit the SANDWISHVPN connect button.

I hope this article helps a lot...
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