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Do you know that you can now have other people/other businesses sell your goods/services for you on VoguePay and pay them a percentage as commission?

It is simple. Just follow the steps below:

1) Create a new merchant store for the product you want to sell
Doing this is simple. Log in to your account, 

click on Menu >> 
Manage Multiple Stores >> 
Add New Merchant Store

2) Create Merchant Split for the product(s)
Click on Menu >> 
Merchant Split >> 
Create Beneficiary Split.
On the New Merchant Split page,
Enter username of the VoguePay Merchant you want to share the split with. The beneficiary will need a VoguePay account to receive the affiliate commission.

Enter applicable percentage split. E.g. Enter 20 to apply 20% commission.
Click on “Select Split Store” and select the Merchant Store you created in (1) above.

3) Generate a Payment Link, Buy Now Button or Donation Button using the Merchant Store you generated.

4) Provide the payment link or button to your affiliate to start selling.

You can create affiliate splits for as many products as you want by using this feature.

It is simple, effective and absolutely free!

Another solution for your business from VoguePay.

should You need any help, you can contact the Team via email support@voguepay.com

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